True to its name, the shop provides the following services:
Over the Counter Medicines, Vitamins and Supplements and a satellite pharmacy service.
A range of your travel essentials including Havaianas flip flops, Baku Swimwear, A range of Banana Boat, Cancer Council and Surf Life sunscreens, Insect repellents, Reniu skin care, Fishing products, Baby essentials, Suitcases/ Bags/ Hats and accessories and many many more.
An amazing range of Gift items for all age groups.
Shop Location : Shop S12, Port Denarau Retail Centre
Phone : 679 7760004 / 6750780
Email :
Facebook: Budget Pharmacyfiji / Budget Pharmacy – United Discount Chemist.
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Twitter: Budget Pharmacyfj
Linkedin: Budget Phy Fiji
Tik Tok: budgetpharmacyfj